Research center
A place where people act on behalf of wild cats
The research center will be a place where we will be able to use the full organizational potential of the foundation and the foundation’s scientific expertise without restrictions. The main goal of the center will be to study wild cats.
Scientists from around the world working with the foundation will have access to species of the most endangered wild cats in conditions that faithfully reproduce their natural environments. It will be possible to conduct research using modern assisted reproduction techniques. The center will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the biology of the least studied species and conduct research on their welfare.
We want to use modern technologies for the benefit of wild animals actively. We will use monitoring programs that, by recording cat behavior, will support scientists in their observations. They will, for example, help identify heat and indicate other important information for ongoing research without requiring veterinarians to work around the clock.
We have already begun work on the project, which involves recreating as accurately as possible the ecosystems in which cats naturally live. Laboratories and rooms necessary for research work will also be built, along with breeding facilities. Visualizations showing the conditions we will provide for the cats housed in the center will soon be available on our website.
Part of the center will be open to the public, who will be able not only to see cats not available anywhere in Europe but also to learn about the ecosystems in which they occur in nature. The rarest and most endangered species of wild cats will be housed in specially designed enclosures that will eliminate human influence on their behavior.
We believe that increasing public awareness of endangered species will help give them a better chance of survival. Therefore, we want our center to be a place where people of all ages can gain knowledge that will mobilize them to act for the benefit of wild cats and the planet as a whole.
With ecological concerns in mind, we will make every effort to make the facility we are designing as environmentally neutral as possible. We plan to use photovoltaic panels working in conjunction with heat pumps. We would also like to allocate energy surpluses to hydrogen production and use solutions that will allow generating electricity through fuel cells, drawing energy from biogas, and treating rainwater.